Sure Fire Ways To Get Your Girlfriend Back

Nothing can seem as hopeless and depressing as losing a loved one. Maybe you have broke up with your girlfriend and now want to get her back There is a chance you can do this if you if you go about it the right way, all is not lost. For ways to get your girlfriend back read below.

What you should not do is be clingy and annoying to her. Whatever the break up was about and regardless who initiated the break up, you must leave her alone for at least two weeks. The chance of the two of you arguing and fighting is too great in the beginning because the both of you are emotionally charged over your break up.

When you are looking for ways to get your girlfriend back keep in mind that in some ways she may be attracted to you right now. In fact she may still respect you or value you as a friend. The thing is she may be hurt and have anger towards you because of what led up to the break up and that feeling needs to fade away.

After some time has gone by and she has not seen or heard from you she should start getting curious as to what you are up to. At some point she may actually start to miss you. This is the point you want her to be when you begin to make contact with her. When you make your first phone call just tell her you want to make sure she is doing ok but you don't have much time to talk.