Rebound Relationship Advice

Are you dating someone that has recently gone through a break up? You could be dating someone that is in what is called a rebound relationship. There are a few scenarios to this and all of them are not bad. There could be feelings that are still unresolved in your partner and they may not be in this new relationship for the right reasons.

If your partner was the one that broke up their previous relationship, that is not so bad for you the new partner. It is possible that this person had been wanting to break up for a while and was already mentally prepared to move on. They do not need time to get over it or mourn having lost their lover.

Then you have the person that was broken up with. This person could be in a rebound relationship because they just can not stand to be alone. They are used to being with someone and now that they are single they can not deal with it. They will hook up with someone just to not deal with the fact that someone left them.

They can be known to become emotionally involved very quickly because they need someone to love them. For this reason a rebound relationship for this person can go bad because their new partner will realize what is going on and dump them, not wanting to deal with them.

The best thing a person can do instead of going right into a new relationship is to take some time off, possibly a couple months. They need to spend some time alone so they can clear the previous relationship from their mind. They should not be dragging each of their past relationship issues into the new relationship.