Why Are You Trying to Get Your Ex Back?

The most common thing that most people will experience after an unexpected break up is the desperation to get their ex back. If this is you, you are hurting and experiencing the pain the break up caused. You may feel like getting back with your ex will make the pain go away.

Maybe, but hold that thought!

Before you start making out a plan of action, think about why you really want to get your ex back and if it is the right move. This could be a kneejerk reaction to your situation but it does not mean it is your best option. If you are planning on getting your ex back make it for the right reasons.

Why do you want to get your ex back?

What is it about your ex that makes them so desirable you want to get back with them? This is a legitimate question that must be asked of your self. Just being in love with them is not enough, there must be more to it. Be sure it is the best thing for you.

What is it you really want?

Have you thought about what you want not only from a relationship but in your life I general? You could have been making plans for the future together with your ex but those plans can change. Does your planned future excite you? How about your ex- does this person excite you?

Maybe you have been so busy planning the future for the two of you; your own future plans may have been ignored. Take the time to sit down and decide what you want in you’re your personal future before you start to get your ex back to you.

Are you a good match together?

The last question you should ask can be the most difficult. Are the two of you really a good match? Is life great when you are together and can you bring out the best in each other? Or do you wish your ex was busy doing something else so you have time to your self more often than not.

While these questions are not difficult to answer they are very important. After reviewing your answers you feel your ex is the one for you then it is time to plan on getting them back. Do some research to find the right tools to help you be successful in your task.