Get an Ex Girlfriend Back That Has Broken Up With You

Do you want to get an ex girlfriend back. that has broke up with you? It's been said that about three quarters of relationship break ups are initiated by the girlfriend. Some women can be said to be irrational in their thinking and do something before they thought it through. This can hold true to their relationship also. Having broken off a relationship for some reason, many have second thoughts about it later.

Being embarrassed for breaking up she may not try to reconcile, instead she will sadly let it go. If you want to get her back it will have to be from your own initiative. There are two things you must do and that is show her how desirable you can be and how available you are.

You should first address the reason for the break up in the first place. If the issue was over the things the two of you like to do, find out exactly what it is that angered her. If you find it was because you did more things you like as opposed to sharing her interests, maybe you need to correct that.

How can you go about convincing her that you can make some changes and get her to come back to you? If her interest is art, wait until a couple weeks after the break up and ask her if she would like to go to an art show that has just opened, and to go as friends. She may be more than willing to go.

After going to the show ask if she would like to get something to eat and take her to a nice romantic restaurant. Hopefully she would be excited about the evening and show interest in your new you. This would give you a chance to bring up your relationship that you had and that you would like to make another go at it. Tell her you would be happy to accommodate her interests if she in turn would be willing to share his interests as well.

Because she was in such a good mood, he may be more than happy to reconcile and get back together with you. Being she broke up and later realized she didn't want to, you have opened the way for her to come back to you.