Reasons Men Leave Women

Why do men leave a relationship? Women can be emotionally heartbroken trying to understand the reasons the man they have been dating just left them. Many times it just does not make sense when everything seemed to be going great. Below are some reasons that may answer your question.

1. Communication or the lack of it is one reason men may leave a relationship. Not having good communication can give a man the feeling of uneasiness as if the two of you are not showing or receiving the affection you once had. Men and off course women need both verbal and nonverbal communication to keep satisfied in their relationships.

Remember that communication does not mean just carrying on small talk. It also means those nonverbal interactions that are exchanged that can keep a relationship interesting and healthy.

2. A new relationship is exciting as the two of you learn about each other. You may share the small details of your lives as the relationship develops. But as time goes on your man may lose some of that excitement as he learns your whole story. Do not take this personal, it is just something that naturally happens.

One way around this is for you to not divulge much about yourself in the beginning. You want to keep him curious about you by gradually letting him into your life. Creating this curiosity about you can go a long way.

3. Show some interest in what he is interested in. Don’t be afraid to try something with him, it will let him know you have an interest in his life. Showing some interest in what he enjoys doing even if you really don’t like it can mean a lot to him.

4. Men like to be able to trust those they are dating. They also like to believe they are trusted also. A relationship will not work if he feels he cannot trust you just as you would feel if you can’t trust him. Remember that trust is many times the foundation that relationships are built on.

5. Most men like attention just as much as any women would. It can be simple things like touching or small compliments every so often to show that you are caring. Your man may feel unappreciated if he never receives any form of compliment which could lead to frustration or disappointment. But over doing the compliments could look phony and put him off so be careful on how much you give.