Making the Most of a Bad Break Up

It can be a terrible feeling experiencing a break up and trying to find a way to deal with it. One thing you do not want to do is carry on like nothing has happened. It is not a healthy way to deal with it if you are keeping your feelings locked up inside you. It is better to experience the hurt and anger and it can help you move on.

If you are feeling anger you should handle it in a healthy manner. Threatening to hurt your ex is a bad idea; it can get you into trouble and ruin any chance you may have had of getting back together. It is going to take time to get over them and for your feelings of anger to subside.

If you make constructive use of your time you will be able to move forward faster. You can take this as a learning experience and have a much healthier outcome after your break up and you will gain experience for dealing with future relationships. Go ahead and take some time to deal with your pain but don’t go for too long.

Avoid getting depressed because you have trouble getting over the break up. There will be times when you feel anger and there are ways to vent your anger without doing damage.

One way to safely vent your anger is to put a picture of your ex on the wall and throw marshmallows at it. You can also try a foam ball or even a simulated brick made of foam. Whatever you use throw them as hard as you can to vent your anger. Being they are marshmallows or foam you will not break anything yet it helps relieve your pent up anger.

It might sound ridiculous to throw things at a picture but it can really help release the anger. If you find yourself laughing and feeling happier afterwards then you know you made some headway. You can know your problems are not as bad as you envisioned and you can overcome them.

Experiencing a break up is not the end of the world for you, think of it as a new beginning. This may have meant the two of you were really not meant for each other and its time to move on to better things. It would be best to not jump right into dating just yet because you may find yourself in another bad relationship. Give yourself time to cool down and enjoy yourself first.